Setting: Richmond Virginia, Suntrust Marathon
Date: November 15, 2008
I had no idea what was going on. Here, I thought I was just running an 8k in the morning to proove I am not completely lazy and out of shape and then cheering on my man later as he ran his first marathon.
At the finish line, I was the last to reach him to congratulate him. I ran up and gave a big hug and kiss and told him how proud I was of him. He whispered some sweet nothings into my ear, then knelt down and asked me to marry him. I was shocked - completely not expecting this. I mean, I knew we would eventually get to this point, but didn't expect it until 2009 or so. I really would prefer to be engaged to him sooner rather than later! So, it was good. I bent down to kiss and hug him, knocking him over. The crowd of marathoners standing near by clapped for us. His muscles were like jello from the run and I knocked him over onto the ground, still kissing him. It was then that I realized how this must look - me, on top of him, kissing him, in front of lots of people.
We sat up and took in our congratulations. People wanted to know what he had said to me. It all went so fast and was such a blur. I know it was sweet and wonderful, but can't remember a damn word. So, I began to tell people that he said, "you had me at bacon". Mostly for the comedic quality. I know he really didn't whisper that, but I also know that I did, actually, have him at Bacon. On our first date we sat down at a table in a restaurant and I opened the menu and declared, "I Love Bacon". I was told later that when I excused myself to use the restroom he texted friends to tell them that I love bacon and he was oddly excited about it. Go figure.
And in case you haven't seen the video of the actual engagement....Click Here